Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tom Yam Fish and Yu Cai

It's another quick and easy dinner tonight. After getting home from work, I get in the kitchen and made dinner for the kids and then, it's time to think about what the adults will eat for dinner. Tonight, I have decided that we will have steamed Tom Yam fish and Yu Cai for dinner. I have bought a whole bunch of green vegetables when I went shopping over the weekend, so, have to eat as much as possible before they go bad.

Ok, Tom Yam fish.....I love making's so easy yet so tasty. Think of Tom Yam soup, what do you have in it? You can add these ingredients with the fish. It's usually onions for me if I don't have anything else to add. But tonight, it's onions and green beans. Would have added tomatoes too if I have them, mushrooms, and ladies fingers (think curry fish head). If you like it sour, you can add a splash of lemon juice when done.

Ingredients: Fish, Tom Yam Paste, Onion and Vegs.  
How simple is simple? Well, put your fish on an aluminium foil that is big enough to close up completely after  all the ingredients are in. You will have to fold up the corners of the foil. Surround your fish with the vegetables that you want to add, and add Tom Yam paste that has been mixed with water. Fold the aluminium foil to make a packet and steam it in the oven till fish is cook. I used the toaster oven and it worked just fine. See picture below for final product. I was so eager to take a picture and eat that I forgot to add cilantro for better taste and garnish. Sorry if the pic doesn't look too appetizing but I assure you, it tasted real good.

On the side, I made Yu Cai with oyster sauce. I made some fried garlic to go with it and for you who's interested in the short cut way of frying garlic, use the microwave. It uses less oil and done quick. Chop up your garlic, put them in a glass bowl and pour enough oil just to cover them. Put it in the microwave oven and nuke it for 60 secs....swirl the bowl a little to distribute the heat.....microwave again for 30 secs...check/swirl...and if they are still not brown, do it for another 30 secs. Took me 1.5 mins to get my 2 cloves of garlic done.

And for the Yu Cai, blanch them in a pot of boiling water for a few mins. I like my vegetables a little crunchy and not overcooked. I put the stems in first to cook as they take a little longer. After they are cooked, take them out, put some oyster sauce on it and drizzle the fried garlic and oil on top. I added fried shallots too.

A bowl of white rice was served with the fish and vegetables. Overall, a wholesome meal, all done in about 30 mins or less.

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